Allgemeine und biologische Psychologie


Recent Presentations



  • Neukirchen, T. (2022) Quantifying cognitive decline in the absence of external glucose sources – proposing a link between human feeding behavior and glucose homeostasis. 64th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), March 20-23, Cologne, Germany.
  • Vorstius, C., Schwalm, L. & Radach, R. (2022). Effects of “desired difficulty” on eye movements and comprehension in reading. Talk presented at the 21th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25, Leicester, United Kingdom.



  • Hofmann, M. J. (2020). Decomposing predictability: Semantic feature overlap between words and the dynamics of reading for meaning. Eingeladener Vortrag bei Prof. Dr. Chris Bieman, Language Technology, Universität Hamburg, 24.1.2020
  • Hofmann, M. J. Individual corpora predict fast memory retrieval during reading. COLING 2020, Post-Conference-Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-VI), Pre-Conference Workshop of COLING, 2020. Barcelona, Spain (Online), 12.12.2020.
  • Vorstius, C. (2020). Effects of alcohol and nicotine on cognition and emotion. Invited Talk at Universität Würzburg, Prof. Dr. Lynn Huestegge, 03.02.2020


  • Hofmann, M. J., Remus, S., Biemann, S. & Radach, R. (2019). Language models can outperform empirical predictability in predicting eye movement data. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.

  • Oster, J., Huang, J., Radach, R. & Munoz, D. P. (2019). Pupillary responses to differences in luminance, color and set size. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.

  • Radach, R., Schwalm, L. & Inhoff, A. (2019). Eye movements in the parafoveal processing of noun phrases: A return to the word group hypothesis. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.

  • Schwalm, L., Vorstius, C., Ansari, E. & Radach, R. (2019). Eye movements indicate comprehension monitoring in silent and oral reading. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.

  • Schwalm, L., Vorstius, C., Ansari, E. & Radach, R. (2019). Eye movements indicate comprehension monitoring in silent and oral reading. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.

  • Spichtig, A., Folk, J., Eskenazi, M., Abraham, A., Kirkby, J., Babb, S., Reilly, R., Fan, X., Laubrock, J., Vorstius, C., Radach, R., Lonigan, R., Ferrara, J., Pascoe, J. & Tousley, E. (2019). Eye movements in developing readers: From basic research to classroom application. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.

  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R. & Lonigan, C. J. (2019). Spatial attributes of saccades in developing readers: Evidence from longitudinal data. 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 18-22, Alicante, Spain.


  • Bucher, L. (2018). Spatial Remapping in Visual search. Invited Talk. Workshop Sensorimotor Prediction, 2-3 October, Duesseldorf.
  • Friede, A., Radach, R. & Ablinger, A. (2018). Kombiniertes lexikalisch-segmentales Lesetraining bei reiner Alexie. 18. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung- und Behandlung, 1.-4. November 2018, München.
  • Hofmann, M. J. (2018). Sprachstatistik als Assoziationsmaß in der neurokognitiven Modellierung. Eingeladener Vortrag bei Prof. Dr. R. Rapp, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, 12.12.2018.
  • Ivani, S., Colombo, M., & Bucher, L. (2018). Uncertainty in Science: A Study on the Role of Non-Cognitive Values in the Assessment of Inductive Risk. Perspectives on Scientific Error, Groningen, 29-30 October, Groningen, Netherlands.
  • Ivani, S., Colombo, M., & Bucher, L. (2018) Uncertainty in Science: a Study on the Role of Non-Cognitive Values in the Assessment of Inductive Risk. ENFA. National Meeting in Analytic Philosophy. Lisbon, 13-15 September, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Bucher, L., Nural, K., Nagel, H., Palma de Figueiredo, R., Zobel, F., & Hofmann, M. (2018). Searching for Culture-free Diagnostic Markers of Mild Cognitive Impairment in the Tactile Domain. Spatial Cognition, 5-8 September, Tübingen.


  • Bucher, L., Palma de Figueiredo, R., Granowski, M., Zobel, F., & Hofmann, M. (2017). The role of spatial proximity to (optimal) effector organs in cross- and intra-modal cueing of acoustic and tactile targets. Psychologie & Gehirn, 15-17 Juni, Trier
  • Hofmann, M. J. (2017). Okzipitale top-down Effekte bei natürlichem Lesetempo? Funktionelle Bildgebung mit NIRS. Forschungskolloquium der Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie und Methodenlehre der Universität Trier, Prof. Dr. Christian Frings, 20.11.2017.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Lonigan, C. J. (2017). The development of eye movement control in reading: Where do the eyes go? 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Günther, T., Horbach, J., Scharke, W. & Radach, R. (2017). Early development of oculomotor control in reading: A longitudinal eye tracking study from preschool age to fifth grade. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Vorstius, C., Young-Suk, G. K. & Radach, R. (2017). Comprehension in silent and oral sentence reading: Longitudinal evidence form developing readers. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Young-Suk, K., Vorstius, C. & Radach, R. (2017). Using eye movements to study comprehension monitoring in beginning readers. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Biemann, C., Remus, S. & Radach, R. (2017). Benchmarking n-gram, topics and recurrent neural network models in predicting word cloze completion and eye movements variance. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Lonigan, C. J., Radach, R. & Vorstius, C. (2017). Using latent-growth-curve-models to examine children's eye-movements during reading as individual difference variables in development. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Wang, S., Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Sun, Y. & Yang. L. (2017). Development of eye movements related to executive functions in elementary school students. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Ebersbach, T. N., Boot, W. R. & Radach, R. (2017). Does context influence the low prevalence effect in visual search? 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Ablinger, I. & Radach, R. (2017).The benefit of eye tracking in the assessment and therapy of acquired dyslexia. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Friede, A., Ablinger, I. & Radach, R. (2017). A visuomotor analysis of multilevel therapy in pure alexia. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Halm, K., Radach, R. & Ablinger, I. (2017). Eye movements in text reading in a patient with incomplete Bálint's syndrome. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Li, L., Sui, X. & Radach, R. (2017). Information aquisition from left to the current fixation: Evidence from chinese reading. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 20-24, Wuppertal, Germany.


  • Czechowicz, A., Bucher, L., & Zobel., F. (2016). Entwicklung von haptischen Informationselementen zur Unterstützung älterer Menschen. 4Smarts Symposium für Smarte Strukturen und Systeme, 6-7 April, Darmstadt.
  • Biemann, C., & Hofmann, M. J. (2016). Man and machine during natural language processing: A neurocognitive approach. Invited talk at the Brain & Language Research Institute. Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 2.12.2016, Marseile, France.
  • Franke, N., Radach, R. R., Jacobs, A. M., & Hofmann, M. J. (2016). No one way ticket from orthography to semantics in recognition memory: N400 and P200 effects of associations. 15th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, 8.8.2016, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Günther, T., Peters, K., Scharke, W., Horbach, J., & Radach, R. (2016). Attentional dysfunction and its impact on reading performance in children with ADHD, dyslexia and the combined condition. SSSR, July 2016, Porto, Portugal.
  • Hofmann, M. J. (2016). Interactive activation and competition between semantic word units: A neurocognitive simulation model. Talk presented at the Workshop "Coherence-based decision making", 9.7.2016, Berlin, Germany.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Biemann, C., Roelke, A., Stüllein, N., & Radach, R. (2016). Associative read-out in a large-scale interactive activation model of semantic priming. Talk presented at the Psychonomics Conference, 16.11.2016, Boston, MA, USA.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., & Inhoff, A. (2016). Is there evidence for differences in comprehension between silent and oral reading? SSSR, July 2016, Porto, Portugal.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Fürth, S. & Reilly, R. (2016). Trading off fluency for comprehension: Can speed reading work? Keynote talk at the 7th China International Conference on Eye Movements, CICEM, 28.05. - 30.05.2016, ChangChun, China.
  • Roelke, A., & Hofmann, M. J. (2016). Semantic higher order but not direct associations prime ventral visual stream activation. Invited talk at the International Psychoanalytic University , 25.5.2016, Berlin, Germany.
  • Roelke, A., & Hofmann, M. J. (2016). Semantic feature overlap or direct associations? Word co-occurences predict ventral visual stream activation. Poster presented at Psychologie & Gehirn Conference, 27.5.2016, Berlin, Germany.
  • Scharke, W., Horbach, J., Radach, R., & Günther, T. (2016). Tracking the development of the optimal viewing position over the course of reading acquisition in elementary school. SSSR, July 2016, Porto, Portugal.
  • Sprengel, M., Hofmann, M. J., Wendt, M., Luna-Rodriguez, A., Tamm, S., Jacobsen, T., & Jacobs, A. M. (2016). Recent response conflict modulates early distractor processing. Poster presented at the Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, 27.9.2016, Bremen, Germany.
  • Vorstius, C., Kim, Y.-S. G., & Radach, R. (2016). On the influence of text materials on silent and oral reading in beginning readers. Studying fluency and comprehension with eye movements. SSSR, July 2016, Porto, Portugal.
  • Vorstius, C., Kim, Y.-S. G., & Radach, R. (2016). Influences of text format in silent and oral reading in beginning readers. Studying fluency and comprehension using eye movements. Keynote talk at the 7th China International Conference on Eye Movements, CICEM, 28.05. - 30.05.2016, ChangChun, China.


  • Ablinger, I. & Radach, R. (2015). Expressive versus rezeptive Wortverarbeitungsmechanismen bei Tiefendyslexie. Jahrestagung Der Gesellschaft für Aphasieforschung und –behandlung, 7.-9. November, Innsbruck, Österreich.
  • Ablinger, I., Radach, R., Willmes, R., Silberling, V. (2015). Eye movement based evaluation of a text-level reading intervention for aphasic patients. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Friede, A., Vorstius, C., Inhoff, A. & Radach, R. (2015). Long range regressive saccades in developing readers. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Gregg, J. M., Radach, R. & Inhoff, A. (2015). Orthographic Similarity and Relative Frequency Influence Competition during Visual Word Identification. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Günther, T., Peters, K., Scharke, W. & Radach, R. (2015). Mindless reading in children with attention deficit, dyslexia and the comorbid condition. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Haracz, J.L., Battista, C., Hofmann, M., & Marinazzo, D. (2015). Neuroeconometrics of neural networks underlying asset trading: Toward the prediction and prevention of major asset-price bubbles, Society for Neuroscience Conference, 17.10.2015, Chicago.
  • Hofmann, M. J. (2015). Occipital and orbitofrontal hemodynamics during naturally paced reading (5.6.2015). Psychologie & Gehirn Konferenz, Frankfurth a. M.
  • Lüttke, T., Kahl, A. L., Vorstius, C. & Radach, R. (2015). Eye movements and executive control in older adults: Age-related decrease in response inhibition. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Oganian, Y., Fröhlich, E., Schlickeiser, U., Hofmann, M.J., Heekeren, H.R., & Jacobs, A.M. (2015). Slower perception followed by faster lexical decision in longer words: a diffusion model analysis in German and English. Poster presented at the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, 17.-20.9.2015, Paphos, Cyprus.
  • Radach, R. (2015). Recording of Eye Movements in Patients with Reading Disorders. International Summer School on Speech and Language Therapy. Aachen.*
  • Radach, R., Inhoff, A., Vorstius, C. & Reilly, R. (2015). Acquisition of information from left of the current fixation in reading. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Krengel, V. & Inhoff, A. (2015). Parafoveal processing of orthographic and phonological information in reading: A comparison of adult readers and elementary school students. 22th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 15-18, Hawaii, USA.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, Chr., Friede, A.,, Lüttke, T. & Reilly, R. (2015). Eye movements of two individuals reading extremely fast. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.
  • Reilly, R., Radach, R., Vorstius, Chr. & Lonigan, C. (2015). Reading development at the text level: A large scale investigation of surprisal and text coherence effects in grades 1 to 5. 22th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 15-18, Hawaii, USA.
  • Vorstius, C., Kim, Y. S. & Radach, R. (2015). What is the relation between oral and silent reading fluency and reading comprehension in beginning readers? 22th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 15-18, Hawaii, USA.
  • Vorstius, C., Kim, Y.-K. & Ralph Radach (2015). Eye movement control in oral vs. silent reading: Evidence from a large sample of very young readers. 18th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 16-21, Vienna, Austria.



  • Ablinger, I. & Radach, R. (2014). Eye movement guided reading intervention in lexical and segmental readers. 16th International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference, June 18-20, The Hague, Netherlands.
  • Aranayanak, I., Reilly, R., Radach, R. (2014) A comparison of the role of global top-down factors on local reading processes in braille and print. 21th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 16-19, Santa Fe, USA.
  • Günther, T., Scharke, W., Cröll, J., Horbach, J., Radach, R. (2014) Early development of oculomotor control in reading: A longitudinal eye tracking study from preschool age to second grade. 21th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 16-19, Santa Fe, USA.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Inhoff, A. (2014). Word processing and eye movement control in oral and silent reading. 6th Chinese International Conference on Eye Movements, May 6-9, Beijing, China.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Lonigan, C. (2014). Local and global responses of elementary-level readers to temporal inconsistencies in text passages: evidence from eye movements. 21th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 16-19, Santa Fe, USA.
  • Reilly, R., Aranyanak, I., Radach, R. (2014) Eye movements in reading different writing systems. 21th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 16-19, Santa Fe, USA.
  • Reilly, R., Vorstius, C., Radach, R. & Lonigan, C. (2014). The development of supra-lexical text effects on eye movements in reading. 6th Chinese International Conference on Eye Movements, May 6-9, Beijing, China.
  • Stüllein, N., Hofmann, M.J. & Radach, R. (2014). Semantic associations in a recognition memory task: an ERP-study. Front. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: Neuroscience Ireland Young Neuroscientists Symposium 2014 . doi: 10.3389/conf.fnins.2014.87
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R. & Lonigan, C. (2014). Eye movements in developing readers: Sentence and paragraph reading data from 1st -5th grade. 21th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 16-19, Santa Fe, USA.



  • Heim, S., Hillen, R., van Ermingen-Marbach, M., Eckers, C., Kröger, B., Radach, R. & Günther, T. (2013). Dissociating brain systems for gaze orienting during reading from those for lexicon, syntax, and orthography: fMRI investigation of the Landolt paradigm. 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, March 24-27, Vienna, Austria.
  • Hofmann, M.J. & Biemann, C. (2013). Sprachstatistik als Assoziationsmaß in der kognitiven Modellierung (14.1.2013). Invited talk at Ringvorlesung “Forschungs- und Anwendungsgebiete von Psychologie in IT.
  • Kuchinke, L., Hofmann, M.J., & Jacobs, A.M. (2013). Empirical investigations of semantic-emotion-interactions. Talk presented at the Cognitive Science Conference, Berlin, 31.7-3.8.2013.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Mayer, M. & Lonigan, C. (2013). Semantic relations and comprehension monitoring in reading. 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, March 24-27, Vienna, Austria.
  • Connor, C. M., Radach, R. & Morrison, F. J. (2013). What happens when text doesn’t make sense? Fifth-graders’ repair strategies depend on their oral language skills. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, April 18 - 20, Seattle, USA.
  • Radach, R. (2013). What you may not know about reading and reading development. Invited Talk, 58th Annual Convention of the International Reading Association, April 19-22, San Antonio, USA.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Lonigan, C. & Conner, C. (2013). Strategies of topic monitoring while reading passages of text. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 10-13, Hong Kong.
  • Günther, T., Scharke, W., Cröll, J., Kraatz, C. & Radach, R. (2013). The influence of an attention disorder on eye movement patterns in children with dyslexia. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 10-13, Hong Kong.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Lonigan, C. (2013). Eye movements and comprehension monitoring skills in developing readers. 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 11-16, Lund, Sweden.
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R. & Lonigan, C. J. (2013). Eye movements in developing readers: a comparison of silent and oral reading, 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 11-16, Lund, Sweden.
  • Günther, T., Kraatz, C., Scharke, W., Cröll, J. & Radach, R. (2013). Mindless Reading to Examine Non-Linguistic Processing During Reading in Children with Dyslexia, 17th European Conference on Eye Movements, 11-16 August, Lund, Sweden.
  • Ablinger, I., Halm, K., Huber, W. & Radach, R. (2013). Eye movements tell us more about the underlying reading strategy in lexical readers. 14th International Science of Aphasia Conference, September 20-25, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Vorstius, C. Radach, R. & Lonigan, C. (2013). Comparing silent and oral reading in developing readers: first results from the Reading for Understanding sample. International Symposium “Developmental eye-tracking research in reading”, October 23
  • Reilly, R., Vorstius, C., Radach, R. & Lonigan, C. (2013). Towards a developmental version of the Glenmore model. International Symposium “Developmental eye-tracking research in reading”, October 23-26, Hannover, Germany.
  • Huestegge, L., Radach, R. & Huestegge, S. (2013). A multi-method approach to the study of reading development. International Symposium “Developmental eye-tracking research in reading”, October 23-26, Hannover, Germany.
  • Radach, R. (2013): Words units and spatially distributed processing – evidence from English, Thai and Chinese. International Symposium “Recent Progress in the Computational Modelling of Chinese Reading”, October 31 – November 02, Science Foundation Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland.



  • Radach, R., Mayer, M., Vorstius, C. & Lonigan, C. (2012). Semantic relations and comprehension monitoring during sentence reading in children. 5th China International Conference on Eye Movements, June 1-4, Dalian, China.
  • Radach, R., Mayer, M., Vorstius, C. & Lonigan, C. (2012). Comprehension monitoring during sentence reading: evidence from eye movements. 19th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 11-14, Montreal, Canada.
  • Günther, T., Kohlen, C., Scharke, W., Vollmar, J., Heim, S. & Radach, R. (2012). Eye movement patterns indicate levels of word processing in sentence reading. Nineteenth Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, July 11-14, Montreal, Canada.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Inhoff, A. (2012). Spatial memory and the amazing accuracy of long range regressions in reading. 54th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany.



  • Briesemeister, B. B., Hofmann, M. J., Kuchinke, L., & Jacobs, A. M. (2011). "The BAWL databases in research on emotional word processing". In: Heister, J., Pohl, E., Würzner, K.-W. (eds.). "Lexical Resources in Psycholinguistic Research: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the Forth Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (qitl4) on the 28th of March 2011". Potsdam Cognitive Science Series (vol. 3). Universitätsverlag Potsdam.
  • Weisse, K., Halm, K., Radach, R., Huber, W. & Ablinger. I. (2011). Eye movement-based treatment of acquired dislexia. The Science of Aphasia IIX, September 1–5., Barcelona, Spain.
  • Radach, R., Hill, J., Vorstius, C. & Inhoff, A. (2011). Word shape does not contribute to word processing in sentence reading. 18th Annual Meeting Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, St. Peterburg Beach, USA.
  • Morgan, C. S., Cowing, B., Vorstius, C., Charness, N. & Radach, R. (2011). Eye movements while viewing dynamic traffic information panels. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25, Marseille, France.
  • Reilly, R. G., Radach, R. & Yan, G. (2011). Eye movement control in non-Western writing systems: Testing the “McConkie laws” for Chinese and Thai. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25, Marseille, France.
  • Halm, K., Ablinger, I., Ullmann, A., Schattka, K., Solomon, M., Radach, R. & Huber, W. (2011). What is the eye doing during reading aloud? Eye-voice span analyses in acquired dyslexia. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25, Marseille, France.
  • Vorstius, C., Morgan, C. S. & Radach, R. (2011). Direct control vs. preprogramming of refixation saccades in reading: Saccade amplitudes can be misleading. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25, Marseille, France.
  • Mayer, M. B., Radach, R., Vorstius, C., Zschornak, A. & Günther,T. (2011). The role of ‘mindless reading’ in the development of reading fluency. 16th European Conference on Eye Movements, August 21-25, Marseille, France.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, Chr. & Günther, Th. (2011). Visual information processing and eye movement control in reading and reading disorder. Invited talk. Congress of the German Dyslexia Association, Erfurt, Germany.



  • Brockhaus, W.-R.,. Hofmann, M. J., Jacobs, A. M., Kuchinke, L. (2010) Sequential dependencies in the lexical decision task. A role of the basal ganglia? Berlin, 23.-25.9.2010, Decision Neuroscience Workshop.
  • Hofmann, M.J. (2010). Fronto-striatal circuits: Does contextual control act via decision criteria adaption and/or sensory gating? (24.3.2010). Teap, 2010, Saarbrücken.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Kuchinke, L., & Jacobs, A.M. (2010).Extracting associative memory signals to predict which word is recognized with what probability in a study-test task (3.8.2010). Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference, Bend Oregon, USA.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Kuchinke, L., Jacobs, A. M., Frueholz, S., Tamm, S., Herrmann, M. (2010). Decision criteria adaption or sensory gating due to contextual information during language processing. In: Frings, C., Mecklinger, A., Wentura, D., Zimmer, H. Beiträge zur 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Pabst Science Publishers: Lengerich. S.52.
  • Kuchinke, L., Brockhaus, W.-R., Hofmann, M., & Jacobs, A. M. (2010). Sequential Dependencies in the Lexical Decision Task: A Role of the Basal Ganglia. Frontiers in Neuroscience Conference Abstract: Decision Neuroscience From Neurons to Societies. doi: 10.3389/conf.fnins.2010.82.00012
  • Radach, R. (2010). Scanning and reading under the influence: Cognitive and motivational influences on alcohol-induced performance deficits. Invited talk. 4th China Conference on Eye Movements. Tianjin, P.R. China.
  • Radach, R. & Hill, J. (2010). On the nature of 'pre-attentive' parallel processing in the parafovea: effects of word shape and letter similarity. Symposium on Serial and Parallel Processing in Reading. Dundee, Scotland.
  • Radach, R. (2010): Delineating word boundaries while reading in spaced and unspaced writing systems: Evidence from English, Thai and Chinese. What makes a word a word? The concept of word in different writing systems. Invited talk, International Symposium. Aachen, Germany.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, C. & Reilly, R. (2010). The science of speed reading: Exploring the impact of speed on visuomotor control and comprehension. 18th annual meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Berlin, Germany.
  • Logan, J., Schatschneider, C. Radach, R. (2010). Visuomotor control and the use of parafoveal information in rapid letter naming. 18th annual meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Berlin, Germany.
  • Günther, T. & Radach, R. (2010). The role of ‘mindless reading’ in the development of reading fluency. 18th annual meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading. Berlin, Germany.
  • Ablinger, I., Schattka, K., Radach, R. & Huber, W. (2010). Recovery of a letter-by-letter reader. Evidence from eye movement analyses. Annual meeting of the Academy of Aphasia, Athens, Greece.
  • Radach, R. (2010). Delineating word boundaries while reading in spaced and unspaced writing systems: Evidence from English, Thai and Chinese. Invited talk. What makes a word a word? The concept of word in different writing systems. International Symposium. Aachen, Germany.



  • Kuchinke, L., Hofmann M., Briesemeister, B., Krumm, N., Jacobs, A. M. (2009). Conflict signals in the explicit stem completion task. Society for Psychophysiology Meeting. Psychophysiology, 48(1), S45.
  • Kuchinke, L., Hofmann, M., Urton, K., Tamm, S., Vo, M. L., Jacobs, A. M. (2009). Frühe Effekte von Valenz und Arousal in der lexikalischen Entscheidungsaufgabe. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender PsychologInnen (TeaP), 29.03. - 01.04. 2009, Jena.
  • Radach, R., Sawyer, K., Charness, N. & Sachs-Ericsson, N. (2009). Age effects on word processing and eye movement control in reading. 17th annual meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Boston, USA.
  • Radach, R., Wohlgemuth, Z., Vorstius, Chr. & Günther, T. (2009). Mindless reading? A new paradigm for visuomotor control and distributed processing during reading-like scanning. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.
  • Glover, L., Radach, R., Vorstius, Chr. & Inhoff, A. (2009). Contextual constraint and N+2 preview effects in reading. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.
  • Vorstius, Chr., Radach, R. & Lang, A. (2009). Effects of acute alcohol intoxication on different levels of visual processing and oculomotor control. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.
  • Aranyanak , I., Reilly, R.G. & Radach, R. (2009). Reading garden path sentences in the Thai writing system. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.
  • Schumacher, K., Ablinger, I., Radach, R. & Huber, W. (2009). Eye movements in acquired dyslexia: Case studies of "segmental" and "lexical" reading in aphasic patients. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.
  • Hill, J., Radach, R. & Reilly, R. (2009). A saccade latency based discriminability metric for parafoveal lowercase letters. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.
  • Spichtig, A., Vorstius, Chr., Greene, A. & Radach, R. (2009). Comparing Visagraph III to EyeLink 2k: How does a “low cost” eye tracker measure up to state of the art technology? 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, Southampton, England.



  • Schumacher, K., Ablinger, I., Radach, R., & Huber, W. (2008). Are reading strategies in aphasia reflected by eye movements? 9th Conference ”Science of Aphasia”, Chalkidiki, Greece.
  • Radach, R., Vorstius, Ch. & Günther, Th. (2008). Tracking non-linguistic visual processing demands critical for early reading. XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin.
  • Radach, R., Glover, L. & Inhoff, A. (2008). Limited parallel word processing during reading. XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin.
  • Hippmann,K., Stetter, Ch. & Radach, R. (2008). Non-phonological predictors of learning to read in German. XXIX International Congress of Psychology. Berlin.
  • Schumacher K., Radach, R., Ablinger, I., & Huber, W. (2008). Impaired visuomotor control in aphasic reading disabilities. 26th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, Bressanone, Italy.
  • Hofmann, M., Tamm, S., Kuchinke, L., & Jacobs, A. M. (2008). Semantic cohesiveness, but not emotional valence increases error rates to new words in a recognition memory task: Introducing an Interactive-Associative Memory Model (25.7.2008). International Congress for Psychology, Berlin.



  • Hofmann, M. J. (2007). Der Lexikalitäts- und Wortfrequenzeffekt bei funktionaler Nah-Infrarotspektroskopie (6.3.2007). Invited talk at Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Würzburg.
  • Hofmann, M.J. (2007). Connecting a connectionist model of word recognition to empirical data (22.9.2007). Workshop "Conflicts as Signals II", 21.-23.9.2007, Binz.
  • Hofmann, M.J. (2007). Funktionale Nah-Infrarotspektroskopie in der Worterkennung - Von den ersten Befunden zur validen Verwendung von fNIRS bis hin zu Einsatz zur Diagnose von Dyslexie (27.2.2007 und 20.3.2007, zweiteilig). Invited talk at Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin.
  • Hofmann, M. J., Tamm, S., Dambacher, M., Jacobs, A. M. (2007). Hopfield Energy as a Measure of Conflict Predicts Late Negativity during Nonword Processing. Poster auf dem Workshop "Conflicts as Signals", 11. – 12.05.2007, Berlin.
  • Tamm, S., Klonek, F., Hofmann, M., Jacobs, A. M. (2007). Does GLA predict response times in a stem completion task? Poster auf dem Workshop "Conflicts as Signals", 11. – 12.05.2007, Berlin.
  • Radach, R. (2007). Exploring the developing mind. Keynote lecture. Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference. Georgia State University. Atlanta, USA.
  • Radach, R., Glover, L. & Vorstius, C. (2007). Exploring the limits of spatially distributed processing - a new look at n+2 preview effects. 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, Potsdam.
  • Yen, M.- H. & Radach (2007). Saccades and binocular coordination: Effects of viewing distance and font size. 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Vorstius, C., Radach, R., Lang, A. & Riccardi, C. (2007). Reading under the influence: Effects of alcohol intoxication on oculomotor control and linguistic processing. 14th European Conference on Eye Movements, Potsdam, Germany.
  • Radach, R., Daniels, A. & Fiasconaro, L. (2007). Can you double your reading speed? An experimental analysis of the tradeoff between fluency and comprehension. 3rd Florida Conference on Reading Research, Tampa, USA.
  • Glover, L. & Radach, R. (2007). Tracking eye and mind in children and adults: Evidence from two sentence reading experiments. 3rd Florida Conference on Reading Research, Tampa, USA.



  • Heine, A., Tamm, S., Hofmann, M., Hutzler, F., Jacobs, A. M. (2006). Does the frequency of the antecedent noun affect the resolution of pronominal anaphors? An EEG study. The Berlin Neuroscience Forum 2006, 08. – 10.06. 2006, Liebenwalde.
  • Radach, R., Inhoff, A., Glover, L. & Vorstius, C. (2006). Task effects on parafoveal processing in continuous reading. 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, USA.
  • Aveyard, M., Zwaaan, R., Radach, R. & Vorstius, C. (2006). Prior visual experience modulates sentence comprehension: The visual memory paradigm. 47th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Houston, USA.
  • Radach, R., Schmitten, Ch. & Huestegge, L. (2006). Oculomotor control during silent and oral reading in developing readers. Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Vancouver, Kanada.
  • Radach, R., Smith, R.W., Vorstius C. & Huestegge, L. (2006). How children read for comprehension. Invited talk. Symposium “Experimental and neurobiological approaches to comprehension”, St. Petersburg, USA.
  • Radach, R., Schmitten, C. & Huestegge, S. (2006). The development of fluent reading. Annual Pacific Research Conference, San Diego, USA.



  • Radach, R. (2005). Programming sequences of saccades during reading. Invited lecture. Symposium "Sequential structure in perception and action", Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig.
  • Radach,R., Vorstius, C. & Jacobs, A. (2005). A cross-linguistic analysis of visual word form effects in normal reading. 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Kanada.
  • Radach, R. & Vorstius, C. (2005). Tracking eye and mind during reading: Current developments in basic and developmental research. Keynote talk, Second Florida Conference on Reading Research, Tallahassee, USA.
  • Radach, R. (2005). Current research on reading in phonographic writing systems: A cognitive psychology perspective. Invited lecture. Hànzì rènzhi – How western learners discover the world of written Chinese, Germersheim.
  • Groten, R., Radach, R., Koch, I. & Vorstius, C. (2005). Switching between pro- and antisaccades: separating switch costs from inhibition of return. 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Huestegge, L. & Radach, R. (2005). Visual processing and eye movements in a virtual shopping environment. 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Reilly, R., Radach, R. & Luksaneeyanawin, S. (2005). Comparing reading in English and Thai: the role of word units. 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.
  • Radach, R., Huestegge, S. & Huestegge, L. (2005). Eye movements in reading and visuomotor development: a comparison of 2nd and 4th grade elementary school students. 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, Bern, Switzerland.



  • Radach, R. (2004). Experimentelle Leseforschung: Aktuelle Entwicklungen und ein Blick in die Zukunft. Eingeladener Überblicksvortrag. 8. Aachener Kolloquium zur Logopädie.
  • Radach, R (2004). The dynamics of reading in European and Asian writing systems. Invited lecture, Symposium “Literacy in German and Japanese: Systematic, historical and didactic aspects”, Aachen.
  • Radach, R., Reilly, R & Vorstius, C. (2004). Parafoveal Processing and "optimal" behavior in reading. 45th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Radach, R. (2004). Blickbewegungen als Gegenstand und Instrument der psychologischen Forschung. Tutorial. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Göttingen.
  • Huestegge, L., Radach & R. Luercken, A. (2004). Visuelle Suche im virtuellen Shop. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie.Göttingen.
  • R. Radach (2004). Forschung mit und über Blickbewegungen: Möglichkeiten der Integration divergierender Entwicklungslinien in der okulomotorischen Forschung. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP), Giessen.
  • Radach, R., Reilly, R. & Vorstius, C. (2004). Causes and consequences of the preferred viewing position in reading. 6th European Workshop on Language Comprehension, Oleron, Frankreich.
  • Huestegge, L., Radach, R. & Wade, N. (2004). Eye movements in normal reading are (still) directly controlled. 6th European Workshop on Language Comprehension, Oleron, Frankreich.
  • Radach, R. (Juni 2004). The role of parallel processing in normal sequential reading. Can the dispute be resolved? Invited lecture. Third workshop "Psycholinguistics in Flanders", Antwerpen, Belgien.
  • Huestegge, L., Radach, R. & Kunert, H.-J. (2004). Long term effects of cannabis on visual information processing. Conference of the International Cannabinoid Research Society, Paestum, Italien.
  • Radach, R. (2004). Using eye tracking in internet usability research. Invited presentation. Second Irish Workshop on Eye Tracking, Dublin, Irland.
  • Huestegge, L., Radach, R. & Kunert, H.-J. (2004). Langzeitwirkungen von Cannabis auf visuelle Funktionen. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin.

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